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        • Dr. Benedikt Moser

          Contact me

          Dr. Benedikt Moser

          CTO and Materials Expert

          Tel: +41 52 551 11 33

        • Patrik Bachmann

          contact me

          Patrik Bachmann

          Laboratory Manager Chemical Analysis

          Tel: +41 52 551 11 69

        • Dirk Nusshär

          Contact me

          Dr. Dirk Nusshär

          surfaces expert

          Tel: +41 52 551 11 37

  • packaging-
    analyze, develop, optimize and
    test with regard to barrier properties


An open network for our customers

Suisse Technology Partners AG maintains an extensive network of professional associations, universities and important strategic industry partners in addition to its many customer contacts in various industrial sectors.

In addition to its own broad range of services, Suisse TP is well networked for the targeted expansion of its expertise, even for very specific requirements. This makes it possible to support clients even more broadly and to offer complex services from a single source.

Suisse TP remains the responsible contact partner for the customer, and the exchange with technical experts from an established network is an important part of always being at the cutting edge of technology and being able to provide customers with competent support.


Suisse Technology Partners AG has had a strategic partnership with Omya Schweiz AG in the field of aluminum finishing for more than 5 years.

This close cooperation is used both for direct technical customer support with on-site work stores in the Suisse TP laboratories and for product innovations for the Omexal product portfolio (see SolGel product development). This also applies to the targeted further development of existing products for special customer requirements. The innovative products are developed in the surface and electroplating laboratories and can be simulated in the application of the corresponding customer processes in the laboratory masstable. The quality of the developments for the customer is supported by the experts of both partners through environmental simulations or targeted physical analysis methods in the neighboring laboratories.

The synergy of the two partners enables high-quality customer support with short response times from Omya and Suisse Technology Partners. The portfolio of services and innovative product development will be significantly expanded for both companies.

Cross-Ing AG is a Swiss company that offers comprehensive engineering services. They specialize in development projects, staff leasing, recruitment of engineering personnel and managed engineering services. Their expertise spans various engineering disciplines such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, software engineering and project management. This broader offering from a single source

Cross-Ing focuses on quality, effective communication and uses advanced project planning tools to ensure the success of its customers at all stages of development.


QUO ist unter anderem spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung von Medizinprodukten und bietet Unterstützung von der Bedarfsanalyse über die Ideengenerierung, Konzeptentwicklung bis zur Marktreife von Produkten. Durch die Partnerschaft zwischen Suisse Technology Partners und Quo ist es möglich den Kunden ein Komplettangebot über den gesamten Produktentwicklungsprozess zu bieten.

Mit unserem Partner ANAXAM erweitern wir unsere Materialanalytik weit über den Labormasstab hinaus auf den Gebieten der Bildgebung, Diffraktion und Spektroskopie, basierend auf den Grossforschungsanlagen des Paul Scherrer Institutes (PSI). In enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Werkstoffexperten von Suisse Technology Partners steht der Industrie ein enormes Potential zu Lösungsfindung anspruchsvoller Fragestellungen für die industrielle Umsetzung zur Verfügung.
3 D Druck – oder auch “Additive Manufacturing” gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Nicht mehr nur für Prototypen, sondern auch für anspruchsvolle Anwendungen in Kleinserie oder Serienproduktion. Damit spielen auch Themen wie Technische Sicherheit, Materialqualität oder Schadensanalyse eine immer grössere Rolle in diesem Bereich. Alles Fokusthemen der Suisse Technology Partners AG. Das Nationale Themennetzwerk IBAM ist ein Netzwerk für alle Akteure, die sich in diesem Fachgebiet engagieren und offen sind für gemeinschaftliche Projekte oder regelmässigen Gedankenaustausch. Daher ist es nur konsequent, dass Suisse TP hier Mitglied ist und seine Kernkompetenzen in dieses spannende Zukunftsthema einbringt. Von der Grundlagenentwicklung bis zur Sicherung der Produktionsqualität können wir durch diese Mitgliedschaft unsere Kunden noch zielgerichteter bei Ihren Innovationsvorhaben durch die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette hindurch begleiten.

Russenberger testing machines

Suisse TP has gained another competent partner through its collaboration with Rumul, the leading manufacturer of dynamic resonance testing machines in the high-frequency range. The partnership means that new methods of monitoring dynamic fatigue tests can be used. In addition to the already close monitoring of the individual cycles, optical systems are used to monitor the stress on the specimens, which directly measure the stress on the specimens optically and thus provide even more information about the quality and comparability of the individual tests. This makes material technology statements even more precise and the interpretation of test results more sound.

The close collaboration between a technology leader in the field of dynamic resonance testing up to 1,000 Hz and at temperatures of up to 900°C and an accredited technology service provider is driving this innovation forward in order to make this technology available to customers in the automotive, transportation and aerospace industries. 


Extended network