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Technical safety through dynamic testing

In many cases, dynamic tests are required to assess the material and component behavior in the real operation of products or assemblies. For this reason, potential fatigue must represent real operation as realistically as possible.

Qualification for mechanical testing

Materials are tested at Suisse TP in accordance with the relevant standards in an accredited area using dynamic tests. This is done either at room temperature or even at high or low temperatures. Depending on the material and area of application, these types of tests are carried out in the High Cycle Fatigue (HCF) or Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) area. Click here to continue to material testing.

Parts or part components are often tested in dynamic tests in the low-frequency range (LCF) using pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders. In addition, resonance testing machines are sometimes used to test in the high-frequency range (HCF). Of course, this is only possible if the component geometry and the materials used allow it. Click here to go to component testing.

On the one hand, carrying out the dynamic tests, which have to be set up very carefully, requires structural mechanical expertise for the correct application of force and torque during component testing. On the other hand, the highly qualified and specially trained employees also have experience in setting up suitable measuring chains for checking and recording the stresses 

The assessment of occurring fatigue or damage to test specimens or components by Suisse TP’s experienced failure analysts is an important contribution to technical safety in product and process development. 

Example applications for dynamic testing

Dynamic tests for technical safety

For fatigue tests to determine Wöhler curves, e.g. aluminum alloys in the HCF range, high-alloy steels in the LCF range

For component tests to determine service life behavior, e.g. chassis parts 

Contact me.

Christoph Meilgen

Qualified mechanical engineer and expert in component and fatigue testing

Tel: +41 52 551 11 10