What is a mechanical test?

Mechanical tests are used to determine the mechanical properties of materials and components in order to make products safer. The main question here is how much a component can be loaded without being permanently deformed, breaking or losing its functionality. The properties mentioned include, among others, stiffness, strength, Our experienced experts not only know how to determine these characteristic values, but also how to interpret them. They can also advise you on how these can be influenced or changed to meet customer requirements.
This is our particular strength. We develop test plans based on standard tests, but we are also able to carry out complex special tests on components in the test clamping frame and on the clamping field. Thanks to our own prototype workshop, we are able to produce samples and aids quickly and in the necessary quality.
Mechanical testing
for components and materials

High demands on technical safety combined with high stress very often require mechanical testing of components and the materials used. Component and material testing takes place during the development phase, but often also during series production.
Suisse TP offers its customers development support as a technology partner for technical safety and in the design of components. Accredited laboratories with numerous testing and analysis methods, e.g. for determining mechanical material properties, form the backbone for a well-founded design of products and processes.
The experts at Suisse TP are highly qualified for the demanding tasks and use their experience from numerous diverse industrial projects.
Thanks to the interaction of various departments at Suisse TP, the customer receives very fast, well-founded support for his project from a single source. This includes the careful production of test specimens, the various methods in environmental simulation, and damage analysis by highly experienced experts. Either as a technology partner for the support of technical solutions or as an accredited testing laboratory for reliable mechanical testing such as component testing or material testing.
materials testing
The determination of reliable material data by means of mechanical testing of materials in our accredited laboratories for mechanical material properties is the prerequisite for a safe and traceable design of our customers’ products.
In this way, we offer our customers certainty in their responsibility for their product and process design.
component testing
The technical component safety can be tested by appropriate component testing on a flexible clamping field or in appropriate test frames. The experts of Suisse TP support the customers in defining as realistic as possible equivalent loads in order to obtain meaningful results.
Components are subjected to dynamic and/or static tests. These stresses are monitored and recorded using extensive measurement technology. The number of forces and force directions can be flexibly initiated by synchronously controlled hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders (depending on the force level).
Our standard tests include:
Example applications for mechanical testing
Mechanical tests for technical safety
Composite material testing for the characterization of sandwich materials and foams
Static material tests to determine material characteristics for product design
Dynamic tests to determine the S-N curves of materials used
Creep tests to determine the long-term behavior of metallic materials such as aluminum alloys under the influence of temperature
Dynamic testing of components to determine the pull-out forces of photovoltaic mounting systems
Find out more about our expertise in the field of technical safety