What is a rotating bending test?

In a rotating bending test, round samples are subjected to alternating loads with a constant load amplitude using a rotating 4-point bending test.
Rotating bending tests are a special form of bending test and are one of the “fatigue tests” that are part of the materials testing.
The rotating bending test according to DIN 50 113 (1982, p. 1) is used to determine the flexural fatigue behavior of round specimens under rotating stress, preferably to determine the characteristic value of the flexural fatigue strength. The mean stress is always zero between equal positive and negative stress values. The surface of the samples should correspond to the application, since the highest stresses occur at the edge of the sample in the rotating bending test and notches have a significant influence on the service life (DIN 50 113 1982, p. 1-2; VDI 3405-2 2012, p. 13). The test frequency is in the range of 50 Hz to 200 Hz and is selected so that the sample does not heat up more than 5 degrees above room temperature (DIN 50 113 1982, p. 2). According to VDI standard 3405-2 (2012, p. 13), the rotating bending test is particularly recommended for testing the long-term strength of additively manufactured specimens due to its small specimen shape and thus shorter production time. The type of control and presentation of the results is carried out analogously to the fatigue test.
What are rotating bending tests used for?

In technical safety, rotating bending tests are generally used to clarify the mechanical behavior of materials or components. For spring-loaded components under constant or frequently changing loads. Its main objective is to determine the flexural fatigue strength.